What are the Mango Airlines regulations for transporting dogs and cats by plane?
A plane trip with a dog or other pet is planned and prepared in advance. The South African carrier applies its policy, it is necessary to know the details to make the right choice.
On board Mango Airlines aircraft, the animal cannot be transported in the passenger cabin. Animals must be placed in a special cage in the hold. The number of animals that can be carried on an aircraft at a time is limited.
A flight in the hold for a pet is always a great stress. It is important to prepare it for the flight – the animal should not be given anything to eat 4 hours before the trip. Give him only a small amount of water before the flight. Pet owners often ask whether it is advisable to give a special sedative tablet, but in this matter the advice of a veterinarian should be consulted.
A dog or a cat on Mango Airlines planes
The South African carrier allows a dog, cat or ferret to be transported as passenger baggage in the hold (if the weight does not exceed 20 kg) or as cargo if it weighs more than 32 kg. The dog must be kept on a leash and the accompanying person must have a muzzle.
The transport of the animal must be indicated at least 48 hours in advance before departure, when booking the passenger. Payment is made at Mango Airlines booking and sales offices, or by contacting the call center.
Documents required for the animal’s travel
When you go on a trip with a pet, you must take with you:
– The current vaccination record
– Veterinarian’s certificate
– When traveling to Europe, you should also take with you:
– An animal passport conforming to the standard adopted in the European Union.
The animal must have:
– Implanted electronic chip, gold
– Legible tattoo
– It takes longer to check in your pet, so you must check in at the airport at least 3 hours before departure.
Transporting your pet in the hold
By booking a Mango Airlines flight, your dog may not be accepted only in the hold, and this depends on its weight, sometimes its breed, and the policy applied by the airline you use for your trip.
Thus, if your animal is not authorized to travel in the cabin, it will have to travel in the hold. In this case, it is up to you to provide the necessary so that he has food and water for the duration of the trip.
Contact Mango Airlines customer service for any flight reservation for your pet
For this you need to call 086.100.1234 if you are traveling within South Africa, or +27 (11) 086 6100 / +27.21.815.41.00 if you are traveling from another country.
Put your pet in a secure travel crate
It should be remembered that the dog or other animal transport box must be made of metal to be accepted by the airline company Mango Airlines. Each passenger is entitled to carry a maximum of two animals in two containers.
For your dog to travel by plane, whether placed in the cabin or in the hold, it is imperative to provide a suitable transport crate that meets IATA or International Air Transport Association standards.
Your pet must be able to stand on it without its head touching the ceiling, sit or lie down comfortably and it must be able to turn around without being embarrassed. As well :
– The door closing system must be centralized, i.e. it closes the upper part and the lower part simultaneously.
– The wheels must be removed or blocked.
– No item should protrude from the crate.
– The crate must be comfortable and sufficiently ventilated for the well-being of your dog.
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